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charging power
charging capacitance
potential coefficients
sag monitoring

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Кацадзе, Т., В. Баженов, К. Новіков, А. Ніколаєва, and О. Панєнко. “DETERMINATION OF THE OVERHEAD POWER LINES CHARGING CAPACTANCE, TAKING IN ACCOUNT THE CABLE SAGING”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 67, Apr. 2024, p. 039, doi:10.15407/publishing2024.67.039.


The paper presents the results of studying the effect of wire sagging on the charging capacity of an overhead power line. A refined mathematical model of the overhead line charging capacity is obtained. The results of the study of the error of neglect of wire sagging for typical structures of overhead power lines with voltage from 35 to 750 kV with the arrangement of wires in 2-3 tiers and horizontal arrangement are presented. The influence of changes in the wire sagging boom on the value of the power line charging capacity due to changes in the operating temperature of the wire and due to ice deposits is investigated. It is shown that for 750 kV power lines, such a change can reach 1-1.5%, which, in combination with the long length of the main power lines, can cause a change in the balance of reactive power in the line itself and in adjacent power systems. The possibility of monitoring the wire sagging boom in a run is investigated and the requirements for the accuracy of such measurements are determined. Bibl. 14, fig. 3, table.
Article_6 PDF (Українська)


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Copyright (c) 2024 T. Katsadze, V. Bazenov, K. Novikov, A. Nikolaieva, O. Panenko


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