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cable power line
wind power station
economically justified current density

How to Cite

Безручко, В. ., Р. . Буйний, В. . Зорін, and А. . Квицинський. “ECONOMICALLY JUSTIFIED CURRENT DENSITY FOR 10-35 KV CABLES, WHICH CONNECT POWERFUL WIND GENERATORS”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 57, Dec. 2020, p. 005, doi:10.15407/publishing2020.57.005.


At a wind power station, 10-35 kV cable transmission lines are used to connect powerful 1.5-5.5 MW wind turbines. Due to the high cost of “green” electricity, losses in the cable lines of a power station can be too expensive. Therefore, during the design process, it is necessary to choose such a cross-section of cable cores that will ensure the minimum costs to the investor for the entire operation of the wind power station. An analytical dependence is obtained, which makes it possible to calculate an economically justified current density for the cores of such cables for 10, 20, and 35 kV for any electric energy tariff and the duration of the maximum generation of the power station. The economically justified current density for the cables of the electric network of the wind power station is calculated for the current “green” tariff and the tariff that will be introduced in Ukraine from 01.01.2025, with different durations of maximum generation throughout the year. It was established that the cross-sections of cable cores that are selected according to the requirements of current regulatory documents will be 2-3 times smaller than those selected for the obtained value of economically justified current density. The economic current density values given in the article make it possible to choose rational cross-sections cable core during the design of networks of the wind power station. Ref. 4, fig. 2, table.
Article_1 PDF (Українська)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 V.M. Bezruchko, R.O. Buinyi, V.V. Zorin, A.O. Kvytsynskyi


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