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energy security
environmental security
alternative fuels
renewable energy sources
energy crops
solid household waste
small-scale energy
environmental impact

How to Cite

Голік, Ю. ., Г. . Шарий, О. . Крот, Ю. . Чепурко, and Т. . Серга. “RESEARCH ON THE USE ALTERNATIVE FUELS IN POLTAVA REGION”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 66, Dec. 2023, p. 064, doi:10.15407/publishing2023.66.064.


The possibilities of using energy-resource solid household waste, agricultural waste, logging waste from forestry enterprises, green waste from landscaping and growing energy crops as alternative renewable fuels to meet the goals of small-scale heat and power generation in Poltava Oblast are investigated. To study this issue, the specialists from the Departments of Applied Ecology and Nature Management and Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Heat Power Engineering of National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" were invited to join the project and a new specialization "Renewable Heat and Power Engineering, Alternative Fuels and Environmental Protection" was opened in the specialty 183 "Environmental Protection Technologies". The problem was included in the strategic development plan of Poltava region and included in the development of the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy Development and Climate of Poltava City Territorial Community until 2030 in accordance with the European initiative "Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy". The assessment of the bioenergy potential may become a significant environmental and economic basis for improving the regional bioenergy sector in Poltava Oblast in the future.
Article_11 PDF (Українська)


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Copyright (c) 2023 Yu.S. Нolik, G.I. Shariy, O.P. Krot, Iu.V. Chepurko, T.M. Serha


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