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energy efficiency
lighting system
lighting installation
automatic control
LED lamp

How to Cite

Говоров, П., А. . Кіндінова, and А. . Котенко. “IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF LIGHTING SYSTEMS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND SOCIAL AND CULTURAL FACILITIES”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 67, Apr. 2024, p. 034, doi:10.15407/publishing2024.67.034.


The results of a study of the energy efficiency of lighting installations of residential buildings and buildings of social and cultural purpose are given, and based on a technical and economic comparison of four options of lighting systems: with incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps and LED lamps, a quantitative assessment of lighting costs is given. A mathematical model of specific discounted costs was developed, which made it possible to take into account changes in lighting operating conditions over time, and the presentation of research results in relative units gave them a generalized appearance. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations for their application were given. Ref. 9, fig. 2.
Article_5 PDF (Українська)


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