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iterative two-channel feed electric drive
feed mechanism of the working tool
rotating sliding nut
generalized mathematical model of movement
nonlinear sliding friction forces

How to Cite

Худяєв, О. ., В. . Шамардіна, and Д. . Пшеничников. “REFINEDMODELOFTWO-CHANNELFEEDELEKTRICDRIVEWITH THE SUMMATION OF MOVEMENTS ON THE SLIDING NUT FOR HIGH-PRECISION METAL-CUTTING MACHINES”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 68, Sept. 2024, p. 043, doi:10.15407/publishing2024.68.043.


The iterative two-channel feed electric drive (ED) with the summation of movements on the rotating sliding nut (RSN) is designed to increase the speed and accuracy of traditional single-channel ED feed mechanisms (FM) of metal-cutting machines with an inertial working tool (WT). A refined generalized mathematical model of movement of the two-channel ED with RSN was obtained, which was built for WT FM of the high-precision coordinate metal-cutting machine of the 24К60АФ4 model. The model takes into account the main static moments of resistance during metalworking, as well as the nonlinear nature of the sliding friction forces in the machine WT FM. Convenient recurrence relations are obtained for the calculation and modeling of sections of the linearized friction characteristic. The structural-algorithmic diagram of the compensated iterative two-channel feed ED with subordinate configuration of control channels is proposed, which makes it possible to compensate in steady-state conditions the negative impact on the accuracy of WT feed of the main static moments of resistance and nonlinearities of sliding frictionforces in the drive load.
Article_6 PDF (Українська)


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