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DC tachometer generator
electric brushless machine with permanent magnets

How to Cite

Акинін, К. ., В. . Кіреєв, Пєтухов I. ., and А. . Філоменко. “EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF BRUSHLESS MAGNETOELECTRIC TACHOGENERATORS”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 68, Sept. 2024, p. 114, doi:10.15407/publishing2024.68.114.


The paper is devoted to the study of the characteristics and operating modes of a brushless magneto-electric tachogenerator, which is implemented on the basis of a traditional radial electric machine with a slotless stator and permanent magnets on the rotor. Options for generating an DC output signal using diode and transistor rectifiers have been studied. The dependences of the average value of the output signal, the slope of the output signal, the coefficient of deviation of the characteristic from the specified value and the pulsation coefficient were obtained depending on the rotation speed of the rotor shaft. The influence of the capacitance of the filter capacitor on the magnitude of the output signal ripple amplitude has been studied.

Article_17 PDF (Українська)


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Copyright (c) 2024 K.P. Akinin, V.G. Kireyev, І.S. Petukhov, A.A. Filomenko


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