st3 (Українська)


electric networks
abnormal mode
resonance overvoltage
aperiodic component
, sources of dispersed generation

How to Cite

Кузнецов, В. ., Ю. . Тугай, В. . Кошман, В. . Кучанський, Л. . Сабарно, І. . Тугай, О. . Шполянський, and Д. . Нікішин. “DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS AND MODELS OF ANALYSIS OF ABNORMAL MODES OF ELECTRIC NETWORKS WITH THE AIM OF THEIR OPTIMIZATION”. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no. 54, Nov. 2019, p. 019, doi:10.15407/publishing2019.54.019.


The optimization of abnormal modes of electric networks of different levels of the hierarchy is considered in order to increase the reliability, efficiency and quality of electricity supply. Particular attention is paid to asymmetric regimes in which parameters reach dangerous extreme values. The models of electric networks and their elements have been specified, taking into account the features of modern equipment and circuits. New methods of analysis have been developed for the sources of distortions in electrical networks. The means for normalization of abnormal regimes have been proposed. The peculiarities of the work of means of emergency automation with the presence of distributed generation sources in the electric network are investigated. Implementation of the developed methods and models will allow electric networks to ensure the fulfillment of constantly increasing demands for the supply quality of modern and promising consumers. References 12.
st3 (Українська)


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Kuznetsov V.G., Tugay Yu.I., Kuchansky V.V. Influence of the corona discharge on the multiplicity of in-ternal overvoltages in main electrical networks. Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika. 2017. No 6. Pp. 55–60. (Ukr.)

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Sabarno L.R., Koshman V.I., Sevastyuk I.M. Investigation of arc overvoltage in the case of single- and two-phase earth faults in a distributive network with isolated neutral Power engineering and computer-integrated technologies in the APC.2017. No 1 (6). Pp. 17−21. (Ukr)

Tugay Yu.I. Normalization of modes of electric networks in parallel work. Pratsi Instytutu Electrodynamiky Natsionalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. 2015. Issue 40. Pp. 10−14. (Ukr)

Kuznetsov V.G., Tugay Yu.I., Nikishin D.A. Optimization of modes of modern power supply systems of the AIC. Bulletin of the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture. 2015. Issue 164. Pp. 44−45. (Ukr)

Tugay Yu.I., Demov O.D., Nikishin D.A., Pivenyuk Yu.Yu. Decomposition of electric networks in optimi-zation of reactive capacities. Pratsi Instytutu Electrodynamiky Natsionalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. 2018. Issue 50. Pp. 11−15. (Ukr)

Kuznetsov V.G., Tugay Yu.I., Shpolyansky O.G. Analysis of the preconditions of damage to SF6 circuit breakers in 750 kV electrical networks. Pratsi Instytutu Electrodynamiky Natsionalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. 2017. Issue 47. Pp. 16−22. (Ukr)

Tugay Yu.I., Nikishin D.A., Guy A.V. Statistical model for reliability analysis of power supply systems. Herald of the Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture. 2018. Issue 195. Pp. 7−8. (Ukr)

Kozyrsky V.V., Tugay I.Yu., Tyutyunnik F.O. About the use of tensor analysis in problems of determining the reserve of static stability of electric systems in the presence of sources of distributed generation. Pratsi Instytutu Electrodynamiky Natsionalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. 2018. Issue 50. Pp. 23−27. (Ukr)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 V. Kuznetsov, Yu. Tugay, V. Koshman, V. Kuchansky, L. Sabarno, I. Tugai, O. Shpolyansky, D. Nikishin


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