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Mazurenko L.I., Lisnyk V.Ya., Dynnik L.M., Dzhura O.V. Mathematical model and control algorithm of an asynchronous welding generator. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. 2008. No. 2. Pp. 22-26. (Ukr)
Lishchenko A.I., Lesnik V.A., Mazurenko L.I. Autonomous power sources for welding arc with asynchronous generators. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. 1999. No. 6. Pp. 51-55. (Rus)
Mazurenko L.I., Romanenko V.I. An asynchronous generator with valve excitation as a source of life for the welding arc. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. 2010. No. 6. Pp. 35-39. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Dzhura A.V., Dynnik L.N., Soloviev V.V. Single-post autonomous welding complex. Part 1: Mathematical model of the power section. News of Kremenchuk State Polytechnical University. 2009. Issue. 3(56). Part 1. Pp. 145-149. (Rus)
L.I. Mazurenko, O.V. Dzhura, A.V. Kotsiuruba, M.O Shykhnenko. An induction generator based electrical generator set for dual DC ARC welding and AC electric power supply. IEEE 6th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems (MEES). Kremenchuk, Ukraine.18-21 September 2024.
Mazurenko L.I., Romanenko V.I. Asynchronous valve generator in the core of a cerated dzherel struma. Newsletter of the National Technical University "KhPI". Kharkiv, Ukraine. 2010. No. 28. Pp. 66-67. (Ukr)
L.I. Mazurenko, V.I. Romanenko, Method of controlling an autonomous asynchronous generator with a squirrel-cage rotor. Patent for utility model UA No. 51704, 2010. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Dzhura O.V., Romanenko V.I., Bilyk O.A. Computational study of asynchronous generators with two stator windings as part of welding complexes with pulse-width current regulators. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. 2012. No. 3. Pp. 83-84. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Lishchenko A.I. Asynchronous generators with valve and valve-capacitive excitation for autonomous power plants. K.: Nauk. dumka, 2011. 271 p. (Rus)
Mazurenko L.I., Dzhura O.V., Dynnik L.M., Solovyov V.V. Modeling of asynchronous generators with two stator windings when operating on a rectifier with RC-load. Pratsi Instytutu electrodynamiky Nationalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2010. Issue 25. Pp. 81-88. (Ukr)
"To develop the foundations of the theory, principles of construction and conduct a comprehensive study of multifunctional energy-efficient asynchronous generators with valve-capacitive excitation and microprocessor control for autonomous welding multisystems" ("ASINGEN-2"). Final report on the research. Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. No. DR 0107U002515. 2010. 316 p. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Dzhura A.V., Dynnik L.N. Single-station autonomous welding complex. Part 2: Control algorithm, simulation results. Newsletter of the Kremenchutsk State Polytechnic University. 2009. No 4 (57). Part 2. Pp. 128-132. (Rus)
"Conduct research into electromagnetic processes and develop principles for modeling autonomous power sources for a welding arc based on asynchronous generators with valve converters in stator circuits" ("ASINGEN"). Final report on research. Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. No. GR 0102U007350. – 2006. (Rus)
Mazurenko L.I., Romanenko V.I. A mathematical model of an asynchronous generator with valve excitation and a vicoristan method of adaptation. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. 2010. No. 4. Pp. 19-24. (Ukr)
Lesnik V.A., Mazurenko L.I. Multi-station welding arc power sources based on asynchronous generators. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. Tem. issue of "Problems of daily electrical mechanics". 2000. Part 2. Pp. 76-81. (Rus)
Mazurenko L.I., Romanenko V.I., Dzhura O.V. Investigation of static characteristics of an autonomous asynchronous welding generator with valve excitation using an L-shaped equivalent circuit. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika . 2012. No. 2. Pp. 75-76. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Romanenko V.I., Dzhura O.V. Calculation of the operating characteristics of an autonomous welding generator with valve excitation using the equivalent circuit. Pratsi Instytutu electrodynamiky Nationalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2011. Issue 28. Pp. 64-70. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Romanenko V.I., Dzhura O.V. Transfer function of an autonomous asynchronous generator with valve excitation. Electromechanical and energy-saving systems. Thematic issue "Problems of automated electric drive. Theory and practice" of the scientific and production journal - Kremenchuk. 2012. Issue 3(19). Pp. 412-415. (Ukr)
Mazurenko L.I., Lisnyk V.Ya. Autonomous power sources for welding arcs based on an asynchronous generator. Pratsi Instytutu electrodynamiky Nationalnoi Academii Nauk Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2006. No. 2 (14). Pp. 174-176. (Ukr)
Mazurenko, L.I., Vasyliv K.M., Dzhura O.V. Improved mathematical model of a three-winding induction machine. Tekhnichna Electrodynamika. 2023. No. 5. Pp. 28-36. (Ukr)
Shykhnenko M.O., Yaras Y. Autonomous valve-inductor welding generators. International Scientific-Practical Conference of young scientists “Build-Master-Class-2024”. September 2024. Kyiv. Ukraine. (Ukr)
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